Let us build you a more sustainable future.

We combine two quality assets to give you maximum returns on your investment.

Real Estate + Oil Palm Plantation = Generational Wealth

Real Estate is touted as one of the best investment assets. It stores wealth, grows wealth and survives across different generations. 

Oil palm crop farming can offer high returns on investment as the demand for palm oil and other palm products is increasing globally.

Real Estate Benefits

Real estate investment offers several benefits, including potential long-term capital appreciation, passive income streams, tax advantages, portfolio diversification, and the ability to leverage borrowed money to increase returns. Real estate investments can also provide a hedge against inflation and offer a sense of security as a tangible asset.

Additionally, real estate investments allow for active management and control over the asset, providing opportunities to add value through property improvements and strategic decision-making.

Potential for long-term appreciation

Cash flow

Inflation hedge

Potential for passive income

Oil Palm Benefits

Investing in an oil palm plantation offers potential benefits, including high yields, consistent demand for the product, and the ability to diversify one’s investment portfolio. Oil palm plantations have a relatively short growth cycle and produce high yields of oil, which can be sold to a range of buyers, including food manufacturers, biofuel producers, and cosmetics companies.

Additionally, oil palm plantations can be managed for sustainable practices, such as using organic fertilizers and implementing conservation measures, which may enhance the long-term value of the investment.

Long Lifespan of Trees

High yield

High Market Demand


Rural Development

Desypalms Benefits

At Desypalms, we make investing in agriculture easy and accessible. Here’s how it works:

Select Plots: You can physically and virtually inspect the land we have available for purchase and choose the number of plots you want.

Purchase Your Plot: Once you’ve found a plot you’re interested in, you can purchase it immediately. Our team will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Leave the Farming to Us: Our experienced team of farmers will take over after you’ve purchased your plot. We will cultivate the land using the latest farming technologies and techniques, ensuring the best possible yields.

Track Your Progress: We know staying informed about your investment is essential. That’s why we provide regular updates on the progress of your plot. You can know how your crops grow and track the expected harvest date.

Share in the Profits: When the harvest is ready, we sell the produce at the prevailing market price and share the profits with our customers. You’ll receive a share of the revenue based on the size of your plot and the yield it produces.

Reinvest or Cash Out: You can reinvest your profits into another plot of land or cash out your earnings. Either way, we’ll guide you through the process and ensure that you receive your earnings on time.

Sell at any time: We understand that circumstances can change, and you may need to sell your land. That’s why we offer the flexibility to sell your land anytime. When you decide to sell, notify us; we will work with you to find a buyer. We have a network of interested buyers who are always looking for agricultural land investments. We’ll help you set a fair price for your land based on market value and other factors. Once a buyer is found, we’ll handle the entire transaction process. We’ll provide all necessary documentation and ensure a smooth transfer of ownership.

Investing in oil palm plantations in Nigeria has never been easier or more rewarding. 

FAQ Page

What does Desypalms do?

Desypalms Agro Allied Limited is a company that offers agricultural and real estate investment opportunities. We sell plots of land in our oil palm plantation in Nigeria to customers in Nigeria and the diaspora and farm on it on their behalf. At harvest time, we share the profits with our customers.

How does it work?

The process is simple. You purchase a plot of land from us, and we take care of the farming. When the harvest is due, we harvest, process, and sell the produce at the prevailing price and distribute the profits to our customers.

Can I visit the plantation?

Yes, we welcome visits from our customers. We’ll be happy to show you around and explain the farming process.

What is the minimum plot of land I can buy to participate?

The minimum is one plot of land, which is 500sqm

What is the expected return on investment?

A palm tree produces 25-28 bunches of palm fruit per annum, yielding about 300 litres of palm oil on a plot of land. The returns on investment will be calculated at the prevailing market price of the harvest year. 

Can I sell my land?

Yes, you can sell your land at any time. We’ll work with you to find a buyer and handle the transaction process.

What happens if there is a crop failure?

The palm fruit is a hardy crop, hence, highly resistant to diseases and adaptable in any weather. Moreover, we take extra precautions to ensure a successful planting season and harvest. 

What if I decide to build on my land?

Yes, you can build on the land but not until after a period of 40 years. This is to maximize the essence of the project. Not only would the land have appreciated in value during this period, but it also would have generated inestimable wealth for you. In the long run, you would not even want to sell or do away with the palm plantation because of its economic value, which surpasses buildings. 

Can I personally manage my plantation?

You can manage your portion of the plantation on the terms and conditions and guidelines provided by the organization or outsource it to the company. We would manage, harvest and process on your behalf with a management agreement to earn Rental Income per annum at a ratio of 60:40. 

What happens to the land if I pass away?

In the event of your passing, your land will be passed on to your designated beneficiaries or next of kin.

Is my investment secure?

Yes, your investment is secure. You’ll have all the documents of land ownership. So, you’ll always have your land.  We also have a proven track record of successful harvests and profits, and we are committed to transparency and accountability in all our operations.

How long does it take to start earning profits?

Generally, it takes 36 months for oil palm trees to mature and produce fruits.

What kind of maintenance is required for my land?

We handle all necessary maintenance for your land, including planting, fertilizing, and harvesting.

Can I reinvest my profits into getting additional land?

Yes, you can reinvest your profits into buying additional land with us. This can help increase your potential returns over time.

How do I receive my share of the profits?

We distribute profits to our customers via bank transfer or other agreed-upon payment methods. We’ll provide regular updates on the progress of the harvest and the distribution of profits.

Can I pay for the land in instalments?

Yes, we have a payment plan in place:

0-3 months, 0-6 months and 0-12 months

Can I participate in the farming process?

While we welcome visits from our customers and encourage learning about the farming process, we cannot allow customers to participate directly in the farming process due to safety and liability concerns.

What kind of support do you offer to your customers?

We offer ongoing support to our customers throughout the process, from purchasing land to receiving profits. Our team is always available to answer questions and provide updates on the status of your plot.

How do I get started?

Book a call with us. Our team will guide you through the rest of the process.

Reach out to us to get started

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